I was asked recently to write a short blog for khoikhoi.co.uk as a guest blogger. Here it is:
remember being with a group of women I have never met before and the conversation
as it very often does turned to what do you do for a living?….After
explaining that I am a childbirth educator, I added “I really enjoyed giving
birth” To which an astonished young woman replied “Why would anyone enjoy
giving birth?”
question got me thinking for a while….What triggered her to ask me this? What
does our society, our culture teach us about birth? Are we expected to suffer during
can start by explaining the history of childbirth and what brings us to today’s
current thinking about birth. How we have moved so far away from birth being a
celebration of life to birth being the most painful experience in a woman’s
life. Somewhere in between technology and scary birth stories, women have
learned to disregard their inner feminine power and their birthing instinct. We
have been taught that in order to survive labour, it needs to be actively
managed by someone telling us what to do and a machine constantly telling us
what is happening. I love this quote from Ina May Gaskin author of Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth “ Your body is
not a lemon. You are not a machine. The Creator is not a careless mechanic.
Human female bodies have the same potential to give birth well as aardvarks,
lions, rhinoceri, elephants, moose, and water buffalo. Even if it has not been
your habit throughout your life so far, I recommend that you learn to think
positively about your body.” Ina May’s words were for me a powerful reminder to
trust my body and the birthing process. Like Ina May I believe that Nature
couldn’t have got it so wrong otherwise we as a species wouldn’t have survived.
The human race would have been extinct a long time ago as medical technology is
relatively new.
wholeheartedly encourage every pregnant woman to rediscover their inner
birthing wisdom. It is already there deep within you, you just need to remove
the many layers and allow it to come to the surface. Find ways to empower
yourself through taking a childbirth class, meditate, keep a journal, gather
your friends who will support and empower you. Let go of all your fears…you
have within you the power to bring your baby into the world safely.
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